[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on 'shame on Mueller' - Alan Dershowitz calls Russia....

Miller Stephen has left a new comment on your post "'shame on Mueller' - Alan Dershowitz calls Russia...":

Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong, and I am not a deep state person who thinks Trump is guilty.

I'm just looking at this in terms of semantics.

Proving someone or something to be innocent is NEARLY impossible. To prove someone didn't do something (or to prove that an event never happened) is not the way our justice system works. That is why the burden of proof is on the prosecution (or in this case Mueller). If he doesn't find anything to suggest collusion, again simply going with semantics, that's not the same thing as proven innocence.

I hate to even bring up this argument of semantics because I do not think those with TDS will understand what I am trying to say. Maybe I should just go with the "he was proven innocent" argument to avoid any sort of confusion with the TDS crowd.

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Posted by Miller Stephen to Trang Ánh Nam at March 25, 2019 at 8:31 PM

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