[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on President Trump's winners by getting Mexico to int....

Stephen Miller has left a new comment on your post "President Trump's winners by getting Mexico to int...":

"This win by our president shows he understands that politely asking other countries to change their behavior when it harms us isn't always enough."

Yet, liberals complain and criticize... because they want that chaos on our southern border. Why? Two reasons:
1. It makes Trump look bad. That is, except when he turns the tables and uses executive power.
2. Democrats want that welfare demand/dependence in our cities, because that dependence increases their power.

That is, if Mexico does what it says it will do. If not, re-instate that 5% tariff without any future warning. The tariff can always go back down... or up higher.

It has gotten to the point where there's no cooperating with the democrat party anymore. America just has to see how bad they really are and make a choice.

Do we want to be the worst of our urban blight-scapes, with uncontrolled drugs and crime? Vote democrat.

Or, do we want to be the best America ever was, with a good economy, jobs, and a less frequent need of our criminal justice system? Vote Trump

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Posted by Stephen Miller to Trang Ánh Nam at June 8, 2019 at 5:45 PM

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