[Erin Burnett] New comment on 2020 Democratic Candidates Angry With DNC Over New....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "2020 Democratic Candidates Angry With DNC Over New...":

Democrats drop donor threshold for Nevada debate, opening door to Bloomberg

The Democratic National Committee announced Friday that there will be no donor threshold for its upcoming Nevada debate, opening the door for former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to qualify for his first contest.

The new rules reflect the changing landscape in the Democratic primary and focus more on support in polls and in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first two nominating states.
In order to qualify for the February 19 debate, a candidate either needs: 10% in four qualifying national, Nevada or South Carolina polls; or 12% in two qualifying polls from Nevada or South Carolina.

A candidate is also able to qualify if they receive a single delegate from either the Iowa caucuses or the New Hampshire primary.

The donor threshold, which previously required candidates to receives donations from a certain number of people, have been dropped.

Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for the DNC, said the committee opted to end the donor threshold because now that "grassroots support is actually captured in real voting, the criteria will no longer require a donor threshold."

"The donor threshold was appropriate for the opening stages of the race, when candidates were building their organizations and there were no metrics available outside of polling to distinguish those making progress from those who weren't," Watson said.

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Posted by Erin Burnett to Erin Burnett at February 1, 2020 at 2:01 PM

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