[Học Để Thi] New comment on Judge BLASTS Kim Foxx’s office for not treating an....

Trang Ánh Nam has left a new comment on your post "Judge BLASTS Kim Foxx's office for not treating an...":

Clark is accused of giving an acquaintance access to her bank account and then telling police money had been stolen, something she denies.

According to a transcript obtained by FOX 32, Judge Martin hammered prosecutors, asking, "I'd like to know why Ms. Clark is being treated differently than Jussie Smollett.

Well that's obvious. Her "acquaintance" wasn't a MAGA Nigerian. That's the fundamental difference between the two.

If a MAGA Nigerian had access to her bank account (which is stupid, she should have just wrote them a personal check), we could have blamed the KKK, and therefore Trump. And then Foxx would have to let her go. But – no MAGA Nigerian, no reason to drop the charges.

I think the only thing to do now is give this woman a role on Empire. That's what justice demands.

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Posted by Trang Ánh Nam to Học Để Thi at April 26, 2019 at 6:19 PM

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